Privacy Policy

以下政策适用于哥伦比亚大学所有网站的用户,旨在确定哥伦比亚大学收集的信息类型, maintains, and discloses from users and explain how that information is used.
Information Collected when You Visit the Columbia College Websites
你可以在不泄露任何个人信息的情况下浏览火博体育官网的大部分网站. The College may, however, collect general information about the way in which you use our websites, including, but not limited to, the time and duration of your visit, type of web browser used, the operating system/platform you are using, your IP address, the websites from which you linked to the College, and your CPU speed. 哥伦比亚大学也可能通过记录网站流量模式和点击流来记录你是否以及如何使用学院的网站. 哥伦比亚大学也可能对访问者的行为进行分析(或委托第三方进行分析), and may share aggregated, anonymous data with sponsors and advertisers.
在您访问火博体育的网站时,您可以向火博体育官网发送电子邮件. Your e-mail address and the contents of your message will be collected. 收集的信息不限于文本字符,还可能包括音频, video, and graphic information formats included in the message.
In order to register for classes, purchase goods or services, apply for employment or complete other transactions with the College, you may be asked to voluntarily provide personal information. 您选择向学院提供的任何个人信息将仅用于哥伦比亚大学的正式业务. 您提供的个人信息可能会被学院(或火博体育聘用的第三方)用于:(1)定制您看到的广告和内容, (2) fulfill your requests for products and services, (3) contact you, (4) conduct research, (5) respond to subpoenas, court orders or legal process, 或(6)确立或行使火博体育的合法权利或对法律索赔进行抗辩.
Use of Collected Information
如果你是一名潜在的学生,并在网上提供你的邮寄地址,你可能会收到火博体育定期发送的邮件,其中包含有关学院项目和课程交付方法的信息. If you do not wish to receive such mailings, please let us know by calling us at the number provided below, e-mailing us at the address below, or writing to us at the address below.
火博体育提供在线电话号码的潜在学生可能会收到火博体育的电话联系,其中包含有关学院课程和课程交付方法的信息. If you do not wish to receive such telephone calls, please let us know by sending us an e-mail at the address below, calling us at the telephone number below, or writing to us at the address below.
火博体育提供在线电子邮件地址的准学生可能会收到火博体育的电子邮件联系,其中包含有关学院项目和课程交付方法的信息. If you do not wish to receive such e-mail, please let us know by sending us an e-mail at the address below, calling us at the telephone number below, or writing to us at the address below.
哥伦比亚大学不与任何广告服务器公司合作或有特殊关系. Columbia College will not sell, rent, loan, trade or lease personal information collected on this site.
cookie是哥伦比亚大学网站可能存放在您计算机硬盘上的少量数据. cookie文件包含独特的信息,火博体育的网站可以使用这些信息来跟踪您创建的访问火博体育任何网站的密码, lists of webpages you have visited, the date when you last looked at a specific webpage, or to identify your session on our websites. cookie文件允许火博体育的网站在您点击火博体育网站上的页面以及之后再次访问火博体育的网站时识别您. Columbia College's websites use cookies to “remember” your preferences, and to record your browsing behavior on our websites. 虽然您可以阻止火博体育的网站在您的硬盘上放置cookies, 如果您禁用cookie,火博体育网站的某些功能可能无法向您提供,某些网页可能无法正常显示. No personal data is stored in cookies on your computer.
Columbia College's websites may include links to other websites. We do not control the privacy policies of the destination sites. 一旦您离开火博体育的服务器(您可以通过查看浏览器位置栏中的URL来检查您的位置), 您所提供的任何信息的使用受您所访问的网站的运营商的隐私政策的约束. That policy may differ from ours. 如果您无法通过网站主页的链接找到任何这些网站的隐私政策, you should contact the manager of that site for more information. 哥伦比亚大学学院不对学院网站以外的其他网站的隐私做法或内容负责.
Confidentiality and Integrity of Personal Information
哥伦比亚大学坚决致力于保护通过其网站收集的个人信息,防止未经授权的访问, use or disclosure. Consequently, 哥伦比亚大学限制员工访问通过其网站收集的个人信息,只有那些在履行公务时需要访问这些信息的员工. 有权访问此信息的员工遵循与任何个人信息披露相关的适当程序.
In addition, 哥伦比亚大学已经实施了保护其信息技术资产完整性的程序, including, but not limited to, authentication, authorization, monitoring, auditing, and encryption. These security procedures have been integrated into the design, implementation, 以及火博体育官网网站的日常运营,这是火博体育对电子内容安全以及信息电子传输的持续承诺的一部分.
虽然学院采用安全,火博体育认为是适当的,以保护您的个人信息, we do not guarantee that our security precautions will protect against, and we expressly disclaim any liability for, any loss, misuse, or alteration of your personal information.
Changes to Columbia College Privacy Policy

Columbia College may update this policy at any time. 火博体育将通过向您提供给火博体育的电子邮件地址发送通知或在火博体育网站的显著位置放置通知,通知您火博体育处理个人信息的方式的重大变化.
From time to time, we may use customer information for new, unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in our privacy notice. 如果火博体育的信息实践在未来的某个时候发生变化,火博体育将在火博体育的网站上发布政策变更,以通知您这些变化,并提供选择退出这些新用途的机会. 如果您关心您的信息是如何被使用的,您应该定期查看火博体育的网站.
Visitor Recourse

如果您觉得本网站没有遵循其声明的信息政策, you should contact state or local chapters of the Better Business Bureau; state or local consumer protection offices; or the College at the address or phone number listed below.

We may be reached via e-mail at or by telephone at 803.786.3012.

Columbia College
Office of Advancement
1301 Columbia College Dr
Columbia, SC 29203